Introduction to Frameworks


What we'll be covering

Learn more about common project management frameworks, their advantages and disadvantages and how they are used in the modern workplace.
Review and identify which might be a good framework for WaveRider to use for our upcoming projects.


Let's start by exploring commonly used project management frameworks. Learn their advantages and disadvantages, and how they are used in different industries. Take a deeper look at career options with these frameworks as part of your skillset. As the principals, techniques and tools they provide are not only valuable for the modern workplace, but can provide tips in your everyday life from getting classroom project teams aligned and on schedule easily, planning family events and more.

To learn more take a first look into common Project Management Frameworks and if you want to learn more we'll provide links to additional programs to help you take the next step.

An intro to common
Project Management

Skills Check

First let's identify which of the common project management frameworks:  Waterfall or Agile would be best for our WaveRider project.

See if you can pick the right one.

Identify the Right Framework

Let's Start Using a Framework


Reference Materials